
05 May 2010

Turn and face the change

Today I decided that if I couldn't go out and walk (because of a lovely air quality warning), I'd stay in and see what constructive things I could do.

I've cleaned the kitchen and picked up the trash that Genghis likes to dump in the corner by my disco throne--no, he can't be arsed to walk an extra two feet and put it in the trashbin. He just dumps it on the floor in the corner unless I yell at him. Then he grumbles while taking his detritus to the trashbin. Mind you, I am no great shakes either when it comes to tidiness (see the attached picture of my desktop). But I've started making a conscious effort to clean shit up around here, because I can't take care of the body without attending to the spirit as well--and a nasty home is a sign of an ailing spirit. I'm trying to mend body AND spirit, here.

(my desktop--the spraybottle is for when I catch a cat doing something he shouldn't be doing. And yes, that's a cable box in the right-hand side of the picture. My monitor doubles as an HDTV.)

And frankly, I'm just tired of seeing things go to shit around this place. Thus, the kitchen-cleaning (and attendant dishwashing and laundry-washing), and an attempt to get stuff organized and put away from when we moved in here last August. The big thing will be the second room, which has boxes piled up in it that have gone unpacked--I think I will be putting a bunch of stuff up on eBay and getting some flat-rate boxes from the post office so I can try to make some money off of the clutter. Anyone up for some miniatures?  I have a metric fuckton of them, all still in the wrapping. Thank you Ral Partha for the years you had me on the "free stuff" mailing list.

Slow and steady wins the race.

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